
C++ loader guide.



const ProtobufMessage& Data()

Get the internal protobuf message data.


const MapValueType* Get(k1 KEY1, k2 KEY2...) const

Get the Nth-level map value. Be aware that only applies to each level message’s first map field.


Prerequisite: You need to set metasheet option OrderedMap to true.

See metatsheet option: OrderedMap.

const OrderedMapValueType* GetOrderedMap(k1 KEY1, k2 KEY2...) const

Get the Nth-level ordered map value. Be aware that only applies to each level message’s first map field.


Prerequisite: You need to set metatsheet option Index appropriately.

See metatsheet option: Index.

If index name is Chapter, then the accessers are:

  • const vector<ParentType>* FindChapter(k1 KEY1, k2 KEY2...) const
  • const ParentType* FindFirstChapter(k1 KEY1, k2 KEY2...) const

Custom messager

If the built-in APIs are not sufficient for your business logic, then you can add a custom messager, where you can write proprocess logic based on loaded config objects.

Example: cpp-tableau-loader/hub/custom


#pragma once
#include "protoconf/hub.pc.h"
#include "protoconf/xxx_conf.pc.h"
class CustomXXXConf : public tableau::Messager {
  static const std::string& Name() { return kCustomName; };
  virtual bool Load(const std::string& dir, tableau::Format fmt,
                    const tableau::LoadOptions* options = nullptr) override {
    return true;
  virtual bool ProcessAfterLoadAll(const tableau::Hub& hub) override;

  static const std::string kCustomName;
  // TODO: add custom data fields.


#include "hub/custom/xxx/custom_xxx_conf.h"

const std::string CustomXXXConf::kCustomName = "CustomXXXConf";

bool CustomItemConf::ProcessAfterLoadAll(const tableau::Hub& hub) {
  // TODO: implement here.
  return true;

Plugin: protoc-gen-cpp-tableau-loader

An example to use this protoc plugin: cpp-tableau-loader/gen.sh.

Full example

See cpp-tableau-loader.