Tableauc config
Create a file named config.yaml, and copy configurations below to it:
# locale BCP 47 language tags: en, zh.
lang: en
# Location represents the collection of time offsets in use in a geographical area.
# - If the name is "" or "UTC", LoadLocation returns UTC.
# - If the name is "Local", LoadLocation returns Local.
# - Otherwise, the name is taken to be a location name corresponding to a file in the
# IANA Time Zone database, such as "America/New_York", "Asia/Shanghai", and so on.
# See
locationName: Local
# Configure your custom acronyms. Out of the box, "ID" -> "id" is auto configured.
# For example, if you configure K8s -> k8s, then the field name in PascalCase "InK8s"
# will be converted to snake_case "in_k8s" but not "in_k_8_s".
acronyms: {}
# Log options.
# Log mode: SIMPLE, FULL.
mode: SIMPLE
# Log level: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR.
level: INFO
# Log filename: set this if you want to write log messages to files.
filename: ""
# Log sink: CONSOLE, FILE, and MULTI.
# Options for generating proto files.
# Header options for worksheet and workbook.
# Exact row number of column name definition at a worksheet.
namerow: 1
# Exact row number of column type definition at a worksheet.
typerow: 2
# Exact row number of column note at a worksheet.
noterow: 3
# Start row number of data at a worksheet.
datarow: 4
# The line number of column name definition in a cell.
# Value 0 means the whole cell.
nameline: 0
# The line number of column type definition in a cell.
# Value 0 means the whole cell.
typeline: 0
# Separator for separating:
# - incell list elements (scalar or struct).
# - incell map items.
# Default: ","
sep: ""
# Subseparator for separating:
# - key-value pair of each incell map item.
# - struct fields of each incell struct list element.
# Default: ":"
subsep: ""
# The proto paths are used to search for dependencies that are referenced in import
# statements in proto source files. If no import paths are provided then
# "." (current directory) is assumed to be the only import path.
protoPaths: [.]
# The enums and messages in protoFiles can be used in Excel/CSV/XML/YAML as
# common types.
protoFiles: []
# Specify input file formats to be parsed. It will recognize all formats
# if not set.
# Available formats: "xlsx", "csv", "xml", and "yaml".
formats: [xlsx]
# Specify only these subdirs (relative to input dir) to be processed.
subdirs: []
# Specify rewrite subdir path (relative to input dir).
subdirRewrites: {}
# Follow the symbolic links when traversing directories recursively.
# WARN: be careful to use this option, it may lead to infinite loop.
followSymlink: false
# Specify metasheet name.
metasheetName: "@TABLEAU"
# Specify subdir (relative to output dir) for generated proto files.
subdir: ""
# Dir separator `/` or `\` in filename is replaced by "__".
filenameWithSubdirPrefix: false
# Append suffix to each generated proto filename.
filenameSuffix: ""
# Specify proto file options.
# Example: go_package, csharp_namespace...
fileOptions: {}
# EnumValueWithPrefix specifies whether to prepend prefix
# "UPPER_SNAKE_CASE of EnumType" to each enum value name.
# If set, the enum value name is prepended with "ENUM_TYPE_". For example:
# enum ItemType has a value "EQUIP", then converted to "ITEM_TYPE_EQUIP".
# If the enum value name is already prefixed with "ENUM_TYPE_", then it will
# not be prefixed again.
enumValueWithPrefix: false
# Options for generating conf files.
# The proto paths are used to search for dependencies that are referenced in import
# statements in proto source files. If no import paths are provided then
# "." (current directory) is assumed to be the only import path.
protoPaths: [.]
# The files to be parsed to generate configurations.
# - Recognize "*.proto" pattern if not set.
# - Glob patterns is supported, which can specify sets
# of filenames with wildcard characters.
protoFiles: ["*.proto"]
# The files not to be parsed to generate configurations.
# NOTE: Glob patterns is supported, which can specify sets
# of filenames with wildcard characters.
excludedProtoFiles: []
# Specify input file formats to be parsed. It will recognize all formats
# if not set.
# Available formats: "xlsx", "csv", "xml", and "yaml".
formats: [xlsx]
# Specify only these subdirs (relative to workbook name option in proto file).
subdirs: []
# Specify rewrite subdir path (relative to workbook name option in proto file).
subdirRewrites: {}
# Specify subdir (relative to output dir) for generated configuration files.
subdir: ""
# Specify generated conf file formats. It will generate all formats if not set.
# Available formats: "xlsx", "csv", "xml", and "yaml".
formats: [json]
# Output pretty format of JSON, with multiline and indent.
pretty: true
# EmitUnpopulated specifies whether to emit unpopulated fields. It does not
# emit unpopulated oneof fields or unpopulated extension fields.
# The JSON value emitted for unpopulated fields are as follows:
# โโโโโโโโโคโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ
# โ JSON โ Protobuf field โ
# โ โโโโโโโโชโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโฃ
# โ false โ proto3 boolean fields โ
# โ 0 โ proto3 numeric fields โ
# โ "" โ proto3 string/bytes fields โ
# โ null โ proto2 scalar fields โ
# โ null โ message fields โ
# โ [] โ list fields โ
# โ {} โ map fields โ
# โโโโโโโโโงโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโโ
# NOTE: worksheet with FieldPresence set as true ignore this option.
# Refer:
emitUnpopulated: false
# UseProtoNames uses proto field name instead of lowerCamelCase name in JSON
# field names.
useProtoNames: false
# UseEnumNumbers emits enum values as numbers.
useEnumNumbers: false
# Specify dry run mode:
# - patch: if sheet options are specified: Patch (PATCH_MERGE) and Scatter
dryRun: ""
Default: ,
Global-level separator for separating:
- incell list elements (scalar or struct).
- incell map items.
Sheet-level and field-level separator options are also supported:
Default: :
Global-level subseparator for separating:
- key-value pair of each incell map item.
- struct fields of each incell struct list element.
Sheet-level and field-level subseparator options are also supported: